Around the Barn
Here are videos taken by our resident videographer: Frani
Mark it down! Nov. 18th Linda goes bridleless for the 1st time
on Charlie! Here Andrea & Linda SPIN bridle-less.
Let's hear it for Andrea spinning Bucky bareback!
Ty: Spinning CC bridle-less
Linda couldn't get enough bridleless riding. Spinning Time!

Crystal Farm LLC

Frani (Owner of Crystal Farm)

Barn Hours
Mon - Thurs. -> 8:30 AM - 8:30 PM
Fri.--> 8:30 AM - 7:30 PM
Sat. & Sun. -->8:30 AM - 6 PM
Closed: Easter, Thanksgiving & Christmas
Other Holidays--> 8:30 AM - 6 PM

View our "Boarding Page" information.

Ty & Reece marked a 146
winning the Limited Open, the Affiliate Limited Open, & Intermediate Open (2021).
Visiting Crystal Farm?
Crystal Farm is on private property. It is open to boarders and for lessons during business hours. If you are interested in boarding a horse, or
taking lessons call to set up a tour.
* Check out our new page called "Our Horses"
to see all of our wonderful horses!
* Check out "Around the Barn"
to see some pictures of what's happenng
* Ask about our Lesson Program
* A number of owners are into "Ranch Riding"!

2023 Shows

The Ranch Riders and their horses had fun with a "Bubble Machine". (Feb.)
More pics on the Ranch Riding Page .

Janice sets up a Ranch Riding station, while Jo and Calypso get ready to take part.

Barbara & Sue enjoy the activities
with their horses Booker & Cinch

Stacia and her horse Koda
join in the fun!

Owners are always happy when their horse comes when called. Just ask Linda.
<Click bottom right of video for sound option>

Betsy and Bentley were not afraid of a little snow. Here they had fun spashing through some puddles

Three of the first horses you'll see at Crystal Farm are Hitch, Harley and Brake. Photo by: Ray
Our Crystal Farm Cats


Photos by Ray
So, What IS "Reining"?
Every year Crystal Farm riders compete in reining competitions! We're always looking for new riders and their horses to move to Crystal Farm and join our team! Many people get hooked on "reining" once they try it, but others are unaware of this fun activity. Crystal Farm's indoor arena has ground material designed to work well for reining horses!
If you're new to the sport watch this short video. View Reining Video
For more info in reining and Crystal Farm call us!

Reining Star Visits Crystal Farm
If you know anything about reining you've heard about Matt Mills!
Matt regularly competes in all the top events and has earned over a million dollars!
Back in 2017, MATT MILLS ran a "reining clinic" here are Crystal Farm.
Check out our pics & slide show. (View Matt Mills Clinic Pics)
Page under Construction

Ty's trophies from the EPRHA Affiliate!

Holly & Juice WON Green Reiner 2 (70)
Patriot Reining June 25th-27th 2021

Ty & Ruby win Patriot Reining Class Derby!
(Level 2: Open Class)
Also shown are the Crystal Farm team who attended the event.

Frani & Brake: Together this team earned a number of honors. They won Novice II classes and came in
top 10 for the Affiliate.
Frani & Dually: Frani and Dually had some
great rides in 2018! They won the
Affiliate Prime Time Non-Pro.

Frani & Dually
More From Crystal Farm!

Indoor riding arena.

Hay Delivery
It takes a lot of hay to feed the horses.
Here is a 2 month supply!
This webpage is under construction
Like to learn more?
Call us today
for more information,
or to schedule a visit:
416 Main Street
Dunstable, MA
Barn Phone:
Only 2 mi. from Rt. 3!
Socialize with us
Crystal Farm
is proudly
owned & operated by: Frani & Jim Simmons
Frani: 978-360-2595
This website was first published 7-10-17. Views