Around the Barn
Here are videos taken by our resident videographer: Frani
Mark it down! Nov. 18th Linda goes bridleless for the 1st time
on Charlie! Here Andrea & Linda SPIN bridle-less.
Let's hear it for Andrea spinning Bucky bareback!
Ty: Spinning CC bridle-less
Linda couldn't get enough bridleless riding. Spinning Time!

Crystal Farm LLC

Rates: Contact Crystal Farm for our latest rates.

Crystal Farm offers high quality care and supervision for your horse.
We provide three feedings per day of high quality hay and 2 feedings of grain to ensure proper nutrition and digestion.
Stalls are cleaned daily.
An Outdoor and Indoor Riding Arena & 2 heated tack rooms
Adult employees attend to the various needs of each individual horse, with
24 hour supervision of the facility.
Horses are turned out daily, weather permitting.
Grass and sand paddocks are fenced with three-rail oak fencing.

We invite you to call us to set up an appointment for a tour: 978-360-2595
Like to learn more?
Call us today
for more information,
or to schedule a visit:
416 Main Street
Dunstable, MA
Barn Phone:
Only 2 mi. from Rt. 3!
Socialize with us
Crystal Farm
is proudly
owned & operated by: Frani & Jim Simmons
Frani: 978-360-2595
This website was first published 7-10-17.